H2Ox dashboard

🙋Choose a reservoir by clicking it on the map, or in the list below.

The graph to the right shows historical and forecast data, while the map displays important contextual information.


Current levels and 90-day forecasts are indicated below.

{{ d.label }}
{{ levels[d.name] > 0 ? Math.round(100 * levels[d.name] / d.max) + "%" : "" }} {{ levels[d.name] > 0 ? levels[d.name] + " MMC" : "" }}

Time-series for {{ activeLabel }}

🙋 Click the legend icons to hide lines from the chart, and hover the lines to get the values.


H2Ox is a group of data scientists and hydrologists:

We won the WRI Wave2Web hackathon, and continue to develop open source, and open data resources that support planning and water conservation.

Most of our code is available at our GitHub repository.


🙋 Toggle layers to get an idea of the network of rivers and reservoirs, and how they relate to basins, rain patterns and large cities.

{{ c.label }}